This accessory highlights the characteristics of fish, deepening the theme of symbiosis between people and fish underwater. The designer directly placed the fins on people's faces with the mimicry technique to attract others' attention and create a new feeling of ecology and environmental protection in addition to viewing.

How to buy?



Virtual Fashion Shoes

Future Environment Imagination Dual-purpose Shoe Arts technology and entertainment & Virtual Fashion Brand &Product Design Based on the network virtual goods sales model already built by NFT website and the existing game skin and other future sales model planning, through product design and digital media cross-border cooperation. After earth's future environmental research and summarizes the imagine of desert and the snow under the extreme environment of human movement, to produce a pair of dual functional premise can be virtual sales shoes, boots, which attached to the snow desert boots cyber punk metal feeling and extracting element function of live animals, fabric for bionic technologies research and learning.

How to buy?



Because the team is very small, it takes a certain amount of time from ordering to receiving goods. Please be patient. In addition, due to the special nature of the product, returns and photo replacement are not accepted.

    • Confirrm the order(2days)20%
    • Confirm the photos(2days)20%
    • Model making(7days)70%
    • Model coloring(3days)30%
    • Photo manipulation(3days)30%
    • The delivery(1days)10%

Method of payment
Due to national and technical restrictions, please contact the brand side directly through the wechat QR code or email at the bottom of the website for purchase.

We apologize for the
Inconvenience In addition, during the production, we can carry out changes to a certain extent according to your needs


Terms and Conditions
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By accessing the website or by using any part of its content, the customer accepts the Terms of Service for the website as well as all other rules and Terms of Service for the website and services that are provided by it. Customers agree that they will not use the website in a manner that would harm the authors or third parties, and they accept the risks which accompany using the website and its services. If the customer does not agree with these terms, they are obliged to cease using the website and the services offered by it. The content of the website is protected under copyright laws and regulations. Altering, borrowing, selling or distributing content is possible only with a previously granted written permission by shuyu.zhang. Shuyu Zhang presents its customers with the best possible user experience. This entails controlling the work of the server, extending capacity based on the number of users, support for users and instant removal of potential errors, threats and issues in the work of the system. Shuyu Zhang does not take any responsibility for the potential issues in the operations of the website and its services, as the authors cannot guarantee that usage of the website will not be interrupted in any manner or that it will be absolutely error-free. The customer accepts that access to the website may sometimes be unavailable, limited or interrupted. Customers use the website at their own risk. Shuyu Zhang is not in any way responsible for the possible damage the customer could suffer by using the website The authors and other physical or legal entities which are involved in creating, producing or distributing the website are not responsible for any damage which occurs as a consequence of using or the inability to use the aforementioned website. Shuyu Zhang retains the right to, at any given moment, amend or add to the Terms of Service. All changes apply from the day they are published on the website Shuyu Zhang suggests periodical checking of the Terms of Service to ensure full awareness of all potential changes. Tribute Brand retains the right to, at any given moment, and without previously announcing it, modify, add to or remove any part of its business operations, including the website, i.e.any part, service or sub-page offered through the website. This right includes, but is not limited to, changing the time period of content availability, availability of new information, methods of transfer, as well as rights of access or use of the website. The customer has the duty and responsibility to use the website in line with positive regulations and general ethical and moral principles. Tribute Brand has the right to, at any given moment, control the content of the website to ensure that the Terms of Service and positive regulations are being implemented and respected. Our prices are subject to change without notice. We want to reassure that all of the orders are delivered through previously agreed time frame and are not conditioned by demand.

Due to regional and technical restrictions, we can only contact the author of the website through wechat or email to purchase. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to us. You can scan the code to add friends or send an email to the author of the website. The email address is During this process, we can ensure that your personal information will not be disclosed

Delivery and refunds
Shuyu Zhang delivers worldwide. Customers will receive a digital product (photo they have uploaded, with the digital garment fitted to it). Customers will also receive a digital certificate of authenticity as a proof of owning the digital product. After the delivery, the customer takes all responsibility for the legal rights of the CGI photo but the product itself will stay under the Shuyu Zhang legal ownership. The received CGI images can not be, in any case, used for promoting commercial goods (either physical or digital), unless previously agreed with us and they are solely itended for non-commercial private use. Delivery time need to communicate with the producer Waiting time depends on the production rendering queue, first come first served. Maximum delivery time is 10 work-days. If you do not receive your digital product within 10 work-days you have the right to cancel the purchase. If this occurs, please contact us with the order number attached on We do not accept exchanges or returns. Complaints about faulty goods can be e-mailed to us . Please attach the order number and delivered digital product. When you receive the refund, your legal rights and certificate of authenticity of owning the digital product are lost and you are obliged to delete all remaining data.